Gnus: The Great Wildebeest Migration – Design Diary

Guide your herd of gnus around the Serengeti in its annual migration — beware the deadly river crossings!

David Gordon, TAM

2-6 players | 45 mins

Sell Sheet: We are looking for a publisher. View Sell Sheet
Game Rules: View Game Rules
Table Top Simulator: Play Online

Design Diary

David came up with the idea for a game base around the annual wildebeest migration in Apr 2023. The original game uses hex tiles, but I wanted to use the newly discovered ‘einstein’ tile shape. We played around with tiles but discovered that is was fairly challenging to place these tiles because the shape is non-repeating, so we ended up making a game board based on the shape.

The game came together very quickly after a few tests at the Gathering of Friends. By May we have a pitch-ready family game — a race where you need to manage those in the back as much as those at the front.