Equilibrium – Designer Diary

Give clues to help balance the scale using visually identical weights to win together.

Danielle ReynoldsDavid GordonTAM

2-7 players | 15 mins | 10+ years

Sell Sheet: We are looking for a publisher. View Sell Sheet
Game Rules: View Game Rules
Print & Play: View Print Files

Design Diary

While attending the Games for Change Festival in July 2023, I got the idea for making a game that can be used to discuss important topics (e.g. the effects of climate change) in a fun way. I wanted to create a game with a toyetic factor using a physical scale with visually identical weights that have different values.

We first tested at Gordon Con with a prototype we did on the fly, using cards from another game that Danielle. We tried several ideas for how the weights work, until David came up with a suggestion of using a simple round-robin action system that worked really well. We had so much fun with it and I then knew that we have a game.

The game was ready for pitching to publishers a week later at Gen Con. David and I did an impromptu test at the hotel lobby with people at the bar and it was a big hit.